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Speak With Power

Dec 14, 2023

How creative are you? Would you like to develop this skill?

Tune into my conversation with Vinnie Stergin and learn: 

How mindfulness can help you in the learning process
How to access your creativity and reconnect with your inner creative child 
How to build confidence for speaking using the ukulele method
How to...

Dec 7, 2023

Did you know your voice could be your superpower? You've got to know how to use this incredible tool.

Tune into my conversation with Kym Dakin and learn:

What to do if someone doesn’t take you seriously 
How to amplify your voice
How to use all the features of our voice to deliver a strong message
What makes listening...

Nov 27, 2023

How well can you engage your audience when giving presentations? 

Tune in to my conversation with David Doerrier and learn:

How to go from being shy to presenting in front of big audiences.
How community theatre can help you build presentation skills.
The biggest challenges people have when engaging an audience.

Nov 17, 2023

Is personal and professional growth important to you? Then you've got to know how to receive feedback with grace and dignity.

Tune into this short episode and learn my three practical tips.

Connect for more:


Nov 13, 2023

Is there any discrimination at your place of work? How do you fight with it?
Tune into my conversation with Deb Curtis and learn:
How to get out of a toxic environment at work
where you’re discriminated 
How to start a business without all the challenges of a startup 
How to bring more diversity into your...